BIRINGUCCIO Vannuccio – Pirotechnia - 1559
BIRINGUCCIO Vannuccio – Pirotechnia del S. Vannuccio Biringuccio senese; nella quale si tratta non solo della diversità delle minere, ma anche di quanto si ricerca alla pratica di esse. E di quanto s’appartiene all’arte della fusione, ò getto, dei metalli. Far campane, arteglierie, fuochi artificiali, et altre diverse cose utilissime. Nuovamente corretta, et ristampata. Con la tavola delle cose notabili – 1559. In Venetia, appresso P. Gironimo Giglio, e compagni. Eighteenth-century half leather with gilt titles and friezes on the spine; ventiquattresimo, 14.8 cm; leaves (1) + 345 + (7); slightly worn corners, ancient paper reinforcement at the inner margin between the verso of the title page and the verso of the preface first page, a couple of two-page tears without losses, slight and sporadic halos and blooms, overall a good copy, slightly trimmed at the upper margin. Old annotations of ownership on the title page and on the first blank, beautiful letterpress in woodcut on the title page, woodcut initials and 84 vignettes, also in woodcut, in the text. Fourth edition (third Italian) of this famous illustrated treatise dedicated to metal casting techniques and other various and interesting topics such as mineralogy, pyrotechnics, alchemy, making bells, goldsmithing, mint, creation of typefaces. Worthy of mention is the part relating to antimony, the first description of which in order to isolate it dates back to this treaty, the technique is in fact traced back to Biringuccio