The following list has been compiled to inform the newer bookseller/collector of the abbreviations that were commonly used in book ads and catalogs in the not-so-distant past, and to jog the memory of those of us who did use them.
The following is an example I once used in advertising a book for sale: “G-VG UNLESS NOTED. CWO PPD RET SASE”. As many of you know, we were charged by the line in most publications and, in order to keep expenses down, used abbreviations. They were also used in book cataloging. An elderly gentleman once asked me to translate the secret bookseller code in the above description. That translation was: “Good to very good unless noted. Check with order, postpaid, returnable, self-addressed stamped envelope”.
Granted, these abbreviations are no longer used on a regular basis, but they can still often be found in booksellers’ online descriptions and print catalogs. Since the advent of the computer and book databases, and the demise of most print book publications, they are used less frequently but, if you do come across something you don’t understand, we hope this list will be a useful reference.
ABA: American Bookseller’s Association
Also: Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association (the British equivalent of the ABAA)
ABAA: Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America
AEG: All Edges Gilt
ALS: Autographed Letter Signed
ARC: Advance Readers Copy
BCE: Book Club Edition
BDS: Boards
BOMC: Book-of-the-Month Club
C.: Small c. before date, meaning circa; around/about (referring to date)
CR or CPR or ©: Copyright
CWO: Check or cash with order
DEC: Decorated
DJ: Dust jacket
DS: Document signed
DW: Dustwrapper (same as dust jacket, or book jacket)
ED: Edition or Editor
EP: Endpaper
EX LIB: Ex-Library copy
EX LIBRIS: From the library of, referring to previous owner–often found on bookplates
F: Fine
FFEP: Front free endpaper
FL: Flyleaf
FRONTIS: Frontispiece
G: Good
HC: Hardcover
IL or ILLUS: Illustrated
IOBA: Independent Online Booksellers Association
LITHO: Lithograph
LTD ED: Limited Edition
ND or n-d: No Date
NP or n-pl: No Place
OP or OOP: Out-of-Print
PP: Pages; p (and then the number) for page; /pp for pages – to
PPB or PB: Paperback
PPD: Postpaid
PR: Printing
PSEUD: Pseudonym
PUB: Published/publisher
RFEP: Rear free endpaper
RET: Returnable
SLC or SC: Slipcase
SGD: Signed
SP: Spelling
TEG: Top Edge Gilt
TLS: Typed letter signed
TP: Title Page
V. or VOL or VOLS: Volume/Volumes
VG: Very Good
WAF: With All Faults
W/O: Without