PBFA/FBA's UK Fine Press (Oxford) Book Fair (December 9, 2023)
Sat, Dec 09
Provisional Booksellers Fairs Association (PBFA) presents the Fine Press Book Association's (FPBA) UK Fine Press (Oxford) Book Fair.

Time & Location
Dec 09, 2023, 12:00 PM – Dec 10, 2023, 4:00 PM
Oxford, Oxford University Examination Schools, 75-81 high street, Oxford OX1 4BG, UK
About the Event
9th December 2023,
12:00 - 17:00
10th December 2023,
11:00 - 16:00
Oxford University Examination Schools,
75-81 High Street,
Oxford, OX1 4BG
£ 5.00
Refreshments available.
The Fine Press Book Association (FPBA) is an organisation of individuals interested in the art of fine printing, formed with the goal of promoting the appreciation of beautiful books and printing skills.
FPBA had its first official meeting and issued the first issue of Parenthesis in 1998. Today it has a worldwide membership of those interested in the fine book and contemporary fine printing: collectors, printers, artists, illustrators, museums, libraries, and dealers. It publishes Parenthesis, a journal devoted to fine printing and book-making, issues an occasional e-newsletter, organizes events for members and non-members, and has run competitions in book design.
Parenthesis is published twice a year and is free to members. To bring vitality and variety to Parenthesis, its production alternates between North America and the UK. In the Americas, Robert McCamant of Sherwin Beach Press brings out the Fall issue, while production of the Spring issue is led by Sebastian Carter of Rampant Lions Press. Each issue typically is 64 pages of articles and illustrations, many in colour. Up to 90 de luxe members receive a special limited edition of Parenthesis, which is case-bound and presented in a slip case with a parcel of items specially printed by presses from around the world. For example, past parcels have included wood engravings by Gaylord Shanilec, Frank Martin, and Simon King, printing from Henry Morris and Nicolas McDowall, pochoir by Peter Allen and Ian Beck, and a poster for the Pennyroyal Caxton Press edition of the Holy Bible.
The image you see is from the Bawden mural at Blackwell's book shop in Oxford.
Note: These events are listed as a courtesy to IOBA book buyers and sellers. Every effort is made to post accurate information, but that the most reliable information will be found at the link the promoters website: UK Fine Press (Oxford) - New addition to the calendar | Book Fairs | PBFA
Point of Contact: UK Fine Press (Oxford) - New addition to the calendar | Book Fairs | PBFA
Henry Gott,
Blackwell's Books
Tel: 01865 333555
Email: Henry.Gott@blackwell.co.uk
Sian Wainwright,
Blackwell's Books
Tel: 01865 333555