1548 Aldine Press edition of Cicero's Epistolae Familiares
Title: M. Tullij [Tvllii; Tullii] Ciceronis Epistolae Familiares. Pauli [Pavli] Manutij [Manvtii; Manutii] scholia, quibus harum epistolarum locos complures, ab alijs propter obscuritatem aut omissos, aut minus recte explanatos, partim interpretatur, partim corrigit
Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Publication: Venetiis [Venice]: Paulus Manutius Aldi f. [filios], 1548.
Description: Aldine Press edition of Cicero's "Epistolae Familiares," including commentary by printer and Cicero scholar Paulus Manutius, who was the third son of Aldus Manutius. Separate title page for the commentary "Pauli Manutii Scholia." Aldine device on each title page and at end of each part. In Latin with some Greek, printed in italic type with headlines in roman type. Bound in later full parchment over boards with blind-tooling and gilt lettering on the spine, marbled paper pastedowns, and text edges stained blue. Octavo; CCLXVII leaves, [90] pages; A-2L^8 3A-3E^8; 6.25 x 4 inches. From the library of Roberto Severino, a book collector and professor of Italian at Georgetown University. Armorial bookplate on front pastedown: "Ex libris Aemiliani De Advocatis comitis Collobiani, Mottalciatae ecc. Vercellis MCMXXVII". The binding moderately soiled and edgeworn with slight bowing to the boards; the text lightly toned, with small area of marginal dampstaining in the first few gatherings. A Very Good, attractive copy. EDIT 16, CNCE 12281. Renouard, A.A. Annales de l'imprimerie des Alde, 142:2.