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1702 Latitia Penn Indenture Daughter William Penn High Street Philadelphia




Uncommon early American 1702 Philadelphia Pennsylvania manuscript indenture of “Latitia Penn, spinster” only Daughter of William Penn (1644-1718) to John Mifflin sum of two hundred pounds silver money. (Note variant spelling of her name.)

In the first year of the Reign of Queen Anne (1702)

Signed by John Mifflin and James Logan

Latitia Penn was born March 6, 1678 in England, the daughter of William Penn and Gulielma Maria Springett (1644-1694)

In 1699 she accompanied her father and his second wife, Hannah Callowhill to Amer­ica. After spending less than two years in Pennsylvania, the family returned to England in October 1701. She married William Aubrey on August 20, 1702 at Horsham, England, and she never returned to America. She most likely needed money and sold this land. William died in 1731 and she died in 1746


This indenture made third day of November in year of reign of Queen Anne over England 1702 between John Mifflin of city of Philadelphia province of Pensilvania (Pennsylvania) of one part and Latitia Penn spinster only daughter William Penn Esq. governor in chief of Province, of the other part, witness that John Mifflin for consideration of two hundred pounds silver money... bye James Logan of Philadelphia on behalf of Latitia....

Parcel of ground containing breadth forty nine foot and a half in length, one hundred foot situate in Philadelphia bounded northward with High Street. eastward and southward with a piece of ground in possession of Latitia Penn... and westward with Second Street part of lott of land confirmed by Patents by under hand of William Penn dated twenty ninth day of March one thousand seven hundred and one to Latitia Penn & her heirs.... James Logan by virtue Attorney from Latitia Penn dated thirty first day of October year last mentioned .... granted to John Mifflin and his heirs.....


Research indicates in “A Century After” 1875 “Letitia Penn in 1701 the governor conveyed the ground on High Street with all the houses, edifices, buildings, easements, liberties, profits and commodities....”

And in “Early Philadelphia its People, Life and Progress 1917” on page 123 “The picturesque old building was removed about 1888, was built in 1702, it stood on a part of property patented by Penn to his daughter Latitia in 1701. She sold the corner of Second and High Street....”

Provenance: from collection of the late Dr Peter Koblanzer.


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