Logos Books
Phil Coleman
Member since:
Yolo County's only all-volunteer, non-profit, retail used bookstore
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513-2nd Street 716 Kestrel Place, Davis, CA, 95616, United States
More about this bookseller
Logos Books in Davis, California is a retail outlet for the Friends of the Davis Public Library and is licensed by the State of California as a non-profit entity. Our large book inventory comes mostly from donations by our literate university-town community. Donations are often mass donations from private libraries and sometimes include valuable books that we list online and are competitively priced.
Prospective buyers who wish to personally inspect one of our listed valuable books are encouraged to do so. We store our valuable books off-site in a safe and climate-controlled environment. Call Logos Books during store hours and leave contact information or email the General Manager, phil@davislibraryfriends.org to arrange an appointment.
The Friends of the Davis Public Library opened Logos Books as a retail outlet in February 2017. Several of our volunteers had past professional experience working in book stores and public and academic libraries. They were given managerial roles and Logos began generating revenue for the local library from that moment forward. Today, our revenue stream for the Davis Public Library exceeds $70,000 annually, after expenses.
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Terms of Sale
Logos Books sets a high bar in customer satisfaction. Any online buyer who is dissatisfied for any reason with one of our purchases may (within 30 days of purchase) return the item for a full refund. No questions asked. We pay to ship both ways.