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[NEW REPUBLICAN TURKISH BOURGEOISIE IN SEARCH OF ITS DIRECTION DURING WW II: NAZISM OR SOVIET COMMUNISM] Okul-spor: Sporda muvaffak olmak için onun milletçe mahiyeti ve kiymeti anlasilmis olmak ve onaa kalpten muhabbet etmek, onu vatanî vazife telakki eylemek lazimdir. Bize güvenen yanilmayacaktir! Maarif Vekilligi tarafindan aylik olarak nesredilir. No: 1-20. June 19, 1939-1940.
Maarif Vekâleti [i.e. Turkish Ministry of Education]., Ankara, 1939-1940.
Paperback. Folio. (34 x 25 cm). In Turkish. Each issue [15] p. 20 issues: (315 p.), profusely b/w ills. According to the Turkish National Library, the complete set has 20 issues. From 1939 to 1940, 20 issues published in Ankara and it's all published. This magazine which is published between 1939-1949 is a particular interest as it is a primary source that has not yet been studied in-depth and because it contains articles by Republican State (no named authors) time and is illustrated by a great number of photographs. The carefully selected symbols and discourse on the sports subject used in the magazine for self-representation as a search for international legitimacy on the part of the new Republican leadership. This search for legitimacy was based on the visual and textual representation of the Republic as something that was completely new and different and was contemporary to its time. Every issue has a specific cover illustration that shows and reflects the New Republican's modernity understanding of 'the sports subject' like Turkish young girls and women who sport with Turkish flags in their hands, young men who have perfect bodies, and other representations of the new republican modernism. There's no owner and author detail in periodical's editorial board. A new understanding of society is attempted to be imposed on readers through the idea of sportive discipline. Some articles have praises for the Italian fascist regime and Nazi Germany's educational system and discipline. This point indicates the new regime's hesitant search for direction before and during the World War 2. 'Okul-Spor''s approach of propaganda influenced mostly by Soviet culture of its time. The magazine adapted the Soviet communist style of propaganda in a distinctive way and used it in order to further newly emerged Republican Turkish culture trying to find its own identity. Extremely rare and very important set. Complete. All published. Turkish National Library 000156195.; Not in OCLC as an institutional copy of set in American or European libraries.
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