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GIOVIO Paolo – Ragionamento - 1556 / Andrea ALCIATI – Les Emblemes - 1539


GIOVIO Paolo – Ragionamento di Mons. Paolo Giovio sopra i motti, et disegni d’arme, et d’amore, che communamente chiamano imprese. Con un discorso di Girolamo Ruscelli, intorno allo stesso soggetto – 1556. In Venetia, appresso Giordano Ziletti, all’Insegna della Stella (BOUND WITH:) / Andrea ALCIATI – Les Emblemes de Maistre Andre Alciat, mis en rime francoyse, et puis nagueres reimprime auec curieuse correction– 1539. On les vend a Paris, en la maison de Chrestien Wechel. Full eighteenth-century rigid vellum, with gilt title on a leather label applied to the spine and, handwritten, to the lower edge, sprayed fore-edges, sedicesimo, 16,3 cm; pp. (2b) + (16) + 236 (real 232), 245 + (3b); title pages of both works very lightly stained, rare blooms in the first work, missing the last sheet of Alciati’s which would carry the repeated Wechel letterpress mark on the verso, overall an excellent copy. Ragionamento: letterpress in woodcut on the title page (allegory of the star with the motto “inter omnes”), some talking caps and !nal in woodcut, text in italics. Emblemes: title page almost entirely in Gothic characters, with beautiful letterpress in woodcut representing Pegasus, woodcut caps, introduction in French in Gothic type, followed by Latin text in italics with a French translation always in Gothic type; in total 112 allegorical representations in woodcut (most mid-page, some smaller, some larger, two full-page) of emblems. Graceful and curious juxtaposition of works in some ways similar: the first edition of Giovio’s Ragionamento on Enterprises and the Ruscelli’s Discorso – always on the same theme – and the very rare Latin-French edition of the Emblemata by Alciati. This is the re-edition, also by Wechel, of the first (French) of 1536, which includes the magni!cent woodcut apparatus attributed to Jean Mercure Jollat, composed of more than one hundred allegorical and symbolic woodcuts

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