As you may know,
IOBA is now an affiliate of the Bibliographic Association of America, a wonderful organization promoting bibliography with a significant academic and professional audience. Please see the following notice from the BSA regarding upcoming events, and let me know if you have any questions about the BSA and/or want to get involved. Thanks.
Join your friends and colleagues in bibliographical camaraderie this June and July at these BSA-sponsored events, in person and online. Events are all free and open to the public; registration is required for all attendees.
A current list of BSA's upcoming events is available at all times at https://bibsocamer.org/programs/upcoming-events/.
What's Critical About Critical Bibliography? A Discussion of a Special Issue of Criticism | June 20 at 12pm ET, online
+Organized by Lisa Marusa and Kate Ozment, editors of the special issue
+Special Issue of Criticism: https://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/criticism/
+Register (required): https://bit.ly/BSAxCriticism
Rare Book Collecting in Black Francophone Caribbean Literature
July 14 at 2pm ET, online
+Organized and led by Kellee Warren and Curtis Small, Jr.
+Register (required): https://bit.ly/Black-Francophone-Carib-Lit
Caterina Jarboro, the 1898 Wilmington Riot, and the Challenges of the Archive
July 1
9 at 7pm ET, in-person and online
+This is the 2023 James Russell Wiggins Lecture in the History of the Book in American Culture by Professor Richard A. Yarborough, organized by the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, MA & co-sponsored by the BSA
+Regiser (required): https://www.americanantiquarian.org/wiggins-lecture-richard-yarborough