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The IOBA Standard is the journal of the Independent Online Booksellers Association and covers the book world, with a special focus on the online used, out-of-print, and collectible bookselling markets.


BookTrakker Pro 3.1: One-Click Uploads to Amazon Marketplace and zShops

Robin Gutterman launched the latest version of its online bookselling database, BookTrakker Pro v3.0, in March 2004, followed by an update release v3.1 in August. Together, the new version and update release introduced key new features, optimizations, and fixes.

When asked to highlight key features and improvements to BookTrakker Pro, CEO Andrew Gutterman stated “Of the many benefits v3.0 and the v3.1 update release bring, two stand out. First, OneClick uploads to Amazon Marketplace and zShops enable booksellers to quickly update online listings, saving time and improving fulfillment rates. Second, the addition of Plugin capability creates future versatility to meet the ever-changing needs of online booksellers. Plugins are add-on software modules that add specific features or services to existing databases.”

Other changes the new version

  1. Alphanumeric record codes can be used.

  2. The new Sell button instantly changes the status of a single or multiple books to ‘Sold’.

  3. A new Quantity field has been added for recording and selling multiple copies of the same book.

  4. Category/Collections: Booksellers can edit individual records in a category/collection, easily move between the categories/collections, and add books to multiple categories.

  5. “Fair” added to the drop-down condition pick list. A small but important change in response to dealers’ requests to adhere more closely to ABAA standards for reporting a book’s condition.

Upcoming new feature

Planned for release in late 2004 or early 2005 is the first Plugin for BookTrakker Pro: an ISBN lookup and pricing program, aimed specifically at the Amazon market but useful elsewhere. This Plugin will enable users to quickly fill specific data fields in BookTrakker with clean data, versus entering it in by hand.

Affiliate Commissions

There was an extreme makeover of the BookTrakker website at In conjunction with the new site and the release of version 3.0, BookTrakker started paying commissions for program sales resulting from affiliate referrals. A new sign-up page with related tools for participants is accessible from the home page. The Affiliate Marketing Program is open to both Web site owners and those without Web sites.

Robin Gutterman and Andrew Gutterman are co-owners of The Avocado Pit book shop in Charlottesville VA and market BookTrakker software at

Copyright Ó 2004 Robin Gutterman



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