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The IOBA Standard is the journal of the Independent Online Booksellers Association and covers the book world, with a special focus on the online used, out-of-print, and collectible bookselling markets.


From the editor

Shirley Bryant

Call for replacement

When the fall, 2003 issue goes live some time in November, I’ll have been editor for 2-1/2 years and will have put out 10 issues of The IOBA Standard.

It has been great fun, and I’ve enjoyed very much helping it grow and watching it take on a life of its own. I hope it has been something good for the book world, and that it has helped educate and entertain.

But…that fall, 2003 issue will be my last as editor. To keep The IOBA Standard fresh, improving and growing in new directions, a new brain with unimagined-by-me ideas will be needed.

IOBA is, of course, an excellent “parent” for the newsletter and a wonderful and needed organization for the book world. I will remain an IOBA member—I fully believe in and support the organization. Deanna Ramsay is without peer—she is a computer guru deluxe, and there could be no one better for The Standard’s editor to work with. Routines have been set up, and more are on the way to make the editor’s life easier.

I’m hoping that among you readers there is an editor lurking, just waiting to take over The Standard and build it in exciting new ways. I’d love to slowly phase myself out over the next two 2003 issues with your help so that there would be a smooth transition in 2004 (first 2004 issue due in February).

Please contact me at or, or contact Julie Fauble, IOBA’s president, at, or Deanna Ramsay, IOBA’s webmaster,, if you’re interested in the job so we can talk about it.

I can assure you that you’d enjoy it. Maybe I’m prejudiced, but I think you’d be doing something good for your fellow book people.

Shirley Bryant, Editor

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