There are advantages to the move. The 2003 Fair was sold out in June, even after additional booths were added. However, the larger venue for 2004 has only 88 booths; six of which are designated premier booths as they directly face the front doors. In addition to the booths themselves being larger (10 foot by 10 foot), there are 26 corner booths.

Furthermore, the producers will add a book arts show in conjunction with the 2004 Book Fair. The show is a unique opportunity for two related collectible book industries to cross-pollinate. Book Arts Show exhibitors must offer for sale book-related items or services they produce, publish, create or manufacture. Book artists, binders, fine small presses, conservators, book centered non-profits, and hand printers are expected to bring an added dynamic to the Northwest’s premier book event.

For more information or to be placed on the exhibitor waiting list call 206.323.399 or email info@seattlebookfair.com.