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The IOBA Standard is the journal of the Independent Online Booksellers Association and covers the book world, with a special focus on the online used, out-of-print, and collectible bookselling markets.


First IOBA Workshop

Vic Zoschak

On December 4, 2001, Vic Zoschak of Tavistocks books presented the first IOBA sponsored workshop on identifying first editions at his bookstore in Alameda, California. Emphasis was on which are the best reference materials and how to use them – the books covered ranged from early printed books of the 17th century to modern first editions.

A complete report on the workshop will be in the next issue of The Standard. Future workshops will be on the East coast, and on different subjects to meet the needs of IOBA members.

Chris Volk takes some notes as others at the workshop listen intently to Vic

Chris Volk takes some notes as others at the workshop listen intently to Vic

Vic Zoschak points out the usefulness of a reference book on Americana as Bob Erwin looks on.

Vic Zoschak points out the usefulness of a reference book on Americana as Bob Erwin looks on.

Discussion of early dustjackets and professionalism in describing books continued during the lunch break at a nearby Japanese sushi restaurant

Discussion of early dustjackets and professionalism in describing books continued during the lunch break at a nearby Japanese sushi restaurant


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